Contact us
Here you will find various contact routes to reach us.
Consumer contact
Welcome to contact us if you have questions or complaints about Axfood's private label products.

Looking for a job?
Buyers, store employees, IT specialists and drivers are just some of the people who make a difference with us every day.

Head Office
Visiting address: Solnavägen 4 113 65 Stockholm Mailing address: Axfood AB 107 69 Stockholm
Reg. no. 556542-0824

Press service
Find press images related to our business in our media archive or contact our press service.

Investor relations
Here you will find information about Axfood as an investment, reports and more.

Become a supplier
Fill in your application to become a supplier to the Axfood Group.

Chat with us
Contact us if you have any questions, comments or complaints about our own products.
Contact our companies

Willys AB
Falkenbergsgatan 3 SE-412 86 Gothenburg www.willys.se Reg. no. 556163-2232

Hemköpskedjan AB
Norra stationsgatan 80C SE-107 69 Stockholm www.hemkop.se Reg. no. 556113-8826

Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB
Norra stationsgatan 80C SE-107 69 Stockholm Reg. no. 556070-3166

Snabbgross AB
Norra stationsgatan 80C SE-107 69 Stockholm www.snabbgross.se Reg. no. 556000-3575