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Analysts and estimates

Estimates are provided by Modular Finance and are based on projections from analysts who cover Axfood.

Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Axfood's performance made by analysts are theirs alone and not those of Axfood or its management. Axfood does not by providing or distributing this material imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Handelsbanken have temporarily suspended coverage of Axfood and is therefore not included in the list of analysts or consensus below.


A - Actual (reported)
E - Estimate (average of forecasts)

Adjusted EBIT - operating profit excluding items affecting comparability
EBIT - Operating profit
IAC - Items affecting comparability


Yearly estimates


Net sales per segment

Operating profit per segment ex. IAC

Operating margin per segment ex. IAC

Last updated
