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Axfood is included in several Swedish and Nordic indexes that differ in terms of construction. Below are some examples of indexes that Axfood is included in.

OMXAFGX: OMX Affärsvärldens General Index includes all the shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

OMXN: The OMX Nordic All-Share Index (OMXS) with and without dividends imposed includes all the shares listed on Nasdaq’s Nordic exchanges. The index is calculated in various currencies.

OMXNLC: OMX Nordic Large Cap includes all large cap-companies that are listed on Nasdaq’s Nordic exchanges. Available with and without reinvested dividends. The index is calculated in various currencies.

OMXS: The OMX Stockholm All-Share Index with and without dividends imposed includes all the shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The index is subdivided into sector indexes SX5000 (Consumer Services), SX5300 (Retail) and SX5330 (Food and Drug Retailers).

OMXS30ESG: OMX Sweden Small Cap 30 ESG Responsible Index tracks the performance of the 30 most liquid small-cap securities listed on Nasdaq Stockholm whose issuers meet specific ESG criteria.

OMXS30NEXT: OMX Stockholm 30 Next includes the 30 most highly traded shares on Nasdaq Stockholm that are not included in the OMXS30 Index. Available with and without reinvested dividends.

OMXS60: OMX Stockholm 60 includes the 60 most highly traded shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. Available with and without reinvested dividends.

OMXSB: OMX Stockholm Benchmark Index consists of a selection of the largest and most traded stocks, with representation from a majority of the super sectors. Available with and without reinvested dividends.

OMXSLC: OMX Stockholm Large Cap includes all large cap-companies on Nasdaq Stockholm. Available with and without reinvested dividends.