Corporate governance
Axfood AB (publ.) (“Axfood”) is a Swedish, public stock corporation domiciled in Stockholm. Axfood’s shares have been traded on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1997.
Articles of Association
Axfood's Articles of Association was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 22 March 2023.
Annual General Meeting
Axfood's supreme governing body is the Annual General Meeting, where every shareholder has a right to participate. All shareholders have the right to have a matter taken up for consideration by the AGM.
Nominating committee
The Nominating committee is established according to the principles resolved by the AGM.

The Board's work
Here you will find information about the Boards' work, remuneration and potential changes to the Board of Directors at Axfood.

Axfood shall offer compensation that is in line with the going rate in the market and is based on factors such as the importance of the work duties and the executive’s expertise, experience and performance.
Internal control
The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the Group has an effective system for risk management and internal control.