Annual General Meeting 2021
Axfood's Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021 was held on 24 March 2021. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the AGM was conducted in accordance with a postal voting procedure.
Resolutions made at the AGM
The Annual General Meeting re-elected all of the Company’s board members except Jesper Lien and Lars Olofsson that had declined re-election and elected Peter Ruzicka as a new director. In addition, the AGM resolved, among other things, to pay a dividend of SEK 7.50 per share and to implement an additional long-term incentive programme.
Interviews and speeches
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting, shareholders could view a recording with President and CEO Klas Balkow, as well as interviews and speeches with certain other key people.
Klas Balkow – introduction to the 2021 Annual General Meeting
Board of Directors’ statement ahead of the 2021 Annual General Meeting.pdf
Information on proposed Directors for the Board of Axfood AB ahead of the 2021 Annual General Meeting.pdf
The Nominating Committee’s report, recommendations and reasoned statement ahead of Axfood’s 2021.pdf
Auditors' report of remuneration.pdf
Compensation report 2020.pdf