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Axfood's Annual General Meeting 2022

Axfood's Annual General Meeting 2022

Axfood's Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 was held on 23 March 2022. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the AGM was conducted in accordance with a postal voting procedure.

Resolutions made at the AGM

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) re-elected all proposed directors except Stina Andersson, who declined re-election, and elected Sara Öhrvall as a new director. The AGM also decided to pay a dividend of SEK 7.75 per share and to introduce an additional long-term incentive programme. The Board was also authorised to decide on a rights issue.


In addition to a recording with President and CEO Klas Balkow, shareholders could view presentations with certain other key people ahead of the AGM.

CEO AGM address with Klas Balkow

Annual and Sustainability Report 2021

Axfood published its Annual and Sustainability Report 2021 on 25 February.