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Audit committee

Audit committee

The Board appointed an Audit Committee tasked with supporting the Board’s work of ensuring that the financial reporting, sustainability reporting and risk management comply with applicable regulations.

The Audit Committee is also tasked with examining the quality assurance of the process for the Company’s financial reporting and sustainability reporting, reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of internal control regarding financial reporting and sustainability reporting, and together with the Executive Committee following and assessing the handling of complicated matters related to accounting and valuation. The Audit Committee monitors and follows up on the external audit of the Annual and Sustainability Report and the consolidated financial statements as well as the auditor’s impartiality and independence.

The Company’s auditors attend the Audit Committee’s meetings, during which the committee is informed about the focus and scope of the audit and the view of the Company’s risks. The Audit Committee’s assignment also includes establishing guidelines for which services may be procured from the auditor other than the audit.

In 2024, the members of the Audit Committee were Christian Luiga (Chairman), Sara Öhrvall and Peter Ruzicka. The President and CEO and CFO are co-opted members of the Audit Committee, and the Head of Group Accounting is committee secretary. During the year, the committee dealt with proposed revisions of the finance policy and the work with new regulations linked to sustainability reporting. The Audit Committee also reviewed the Group’s financial reports and work on risks and internal control. The Audit Committee held seven meetings in 2024, of which six were ordinary meetings and one was a special meeting concerning sustainability reporting, including governance and organisation. The committee’s members were paid a fee in accordance with the AGM’s resolution for work on the Audit Committee.