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Axfood publishes the annual and sustainability report 2019

25 February 2020

Today Axfood published its annual and sustainability report for 2019, which is now available on the Company website.

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Today Axfood published its annual and sustainability report for 2019, which is now available on the Company website.

– In summing up 2019 I can proudly say that we have yet another very strong year behind us, with good sales growth and an improved operating profit. We delivered on our long-term financial targets to grow more than the market, and to have a long-term operating margin of at least 4% and an equity ratio of at least 20% at year-end. In a time when preferences are changing at an ever-faster pace, we are holding fast to our mission and purpose to offer good and sustainable food for everyone and take our responsibility across the entire value chain, says Klas Balkow, President and CEO, in the CEO’s message.

The printed version of the annual and sustainability report will from mid-March be distributed to shareholders who have requested a copy to be sent to them by post. It will also be available to order from the Company website,

For further information, contact:
Alexander Bergendorf, Head of Investor Relations, Axfood AB, +46 73 049 18 44

This information is such that Axfood is required to disclose in accordance with the Securities Markets Act. This press release was submitted for publication at 4:00 pm (CET) on 25 February, 2020.