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Resolutions at Axfood’s 2025 Annual General Meeting

19 March 2025

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) re-elected all directors except Thomas Ekman who had declined re-election, and elected Björn Annwall and Kristofer Tonström as new directors. Caroline Berg was elected as the new Chairman. The AGM also decided to pay a dividend of SEK 8.75 per share and to introduce an additional long-term incentive programme.

Axfood AGM 2025

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) re-elected all directors except Thomas Ekman who had declined re-election, and elected Björn Annwall and Kristofer Tonström as new directors. Caroline Berg was elected as the new Chairman. The AGM also decided to pay a dividend of SEK 8.75 per share and to introduce an additional long-term incentive programme.

The AGM of Axfood Aktiebolag (publ) was held on 19 March 2025.

Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet and of the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet
The AGM voted in favour of adopting the income statement and balance sheet for the Parent Company and the Group for the 2024 financial year.

Discharge from liability
The AGM discharged the Board of Directors, the CEO and the former CEO from responsibility for the 2024 financial year. 

The AGM resolved in favour of a dividend of SEK 8.75 per share. The dividend amount is divided into two payments of SEK 4.50 in March 2025 and SEK 4.25 in September 2025. The record dates for the payments are 21 March 2025 and 19 September 2025. The expected dates for payment of the dividends are 26 March 2025 and 24 September 2025. The last dates for trading in the Company’s shares, including the right to dividends, are 19 March 2025 and 17 September 2025.

Remuneration report
The AGM approved the Board’s remuneration report for 2024.

Fees to the directors and other committee members
The AGM resolved that directors’ fees are to amount to SEK 850,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 545,000 for each of the other AGM-elected non-executive directorsIn addition to the director’s fees, additional fees shall amount to SEK 245,000 for the Chairman of the Audit Committee, to SEK 110,000 for other members of the Audit Committee, to SEK 75,000 for the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and to SEK 50,000 to other members of the Remuneration Committee. In addition to directors’ fees, an additional SEK 20,000 per physical Board meeting that takes place in Stockholm for attending directors who do not live in Sweden.

Auditor’s fees shall be in accordance with approved invoices.

Board of Directors
The AGM resolved that the number of directors elected by a general meeting shall be eight without any deputies. Fabian Bengtsson, Caroline Berg, Mia Brunell Livfors, Christian Luiga, Peter Ruzicka and Sara Öhrvall were re-elected as directors. Björn Annwall and Kristofer Tonström was elected as new directors. Caroline Berg was elected as new Chairman of the Board. Thomas Ekman had previously announced that he declines re-election.

Long-term share-based incentive programme (LTIP)

LTIP 2025
The AGM resolved in favour of establishing a long-term share-based incentive programme, LTIP 2025, offered to senior executives and other key persons. Participation in LTIP 2025 requires a personal shareholding in Axfood. Provided that certain conditions are met, participants will be allotted shares in Axfood free of charge after the set vesting period. The maximum number of shares in Axfood that may be allotted under LTIP 2025 shall be limited to 385,000, which corresponds to approximately 0.2% of the total number of shares and votes in the company.

Purchase of own shares and transfer of treasury shares
The AGM also resolved to authorise the Board to, on one or more occasions during the period up until the next AGM, decide on purchases of no more than 385,000 own shares. Purchases may be made for the purpose of securing the Company’s obligations under LTIP 2025 and any other share-based incentive programmes that may exist at any given time pursuant to a resolution by a general meeting of shareholders. The AGM also resolved to transfer no more than 385,000 Axfood shares to participants in LTIP 2025 who, according to the terms are entitled to receive shares. At a statutory Board meeting after the AGM, the Board decided to exercise the authorisation granted to it by the AGM to purchase own shares.

Complete information and resolutions
All resolutions were in accordance with the proposals to the AGM made by the Board or the Nominating Committee. Complete information about the Board’s resolutions is available on the company’s website,

For further information, please contact:
Alexander Bergendorf, Head of Investor Relations, Axfood AB, tel +46 730 49 18 44,

This document is an English translation of the Swedish original. In the event of any discrepancies, the Swedish version shall govern.


Categories: Axfood