Axfood's strategy for sustainable development
Sustainability work is an integrated part of our business model and governance. We want to contribute to a sustainable food chain and be the strongest force for a sustainable food culture in Sweden by 2030.
Sustainable development is an important part of our business strategy and a key to success. We work with all sustainability issues where we have an impact – and with all areas that in some way affect our businesses. We call it sustainability in everything.
Axfood’s sustainability program
To succeed with our sustainability ambitions, we have developed a sustainability program with approximately 40 goals that are updated annually and guide us in our sustainability work.
Goals and results in Axfood’s sustainability work
We have also developed several other important policy documents and guidelines that are a crucial part of our sustainability work:
Publications such as the sustainability report, sustainability program, and Axfood’s code of conduct
Clear organization for sustainability work
In all major decisions within the group, sustainability is an integrated part of the decision-making process. Although the strategic direction for sustainability work is determined by Axfood’s board, all departments and companies within the Axfood family are involved in the sustainability work.
The group management and the sustainability manager have overall responsibility for strategies, goals, actions, and follow-up. Once a quarter, the sustainability manager leads a sustainability forum for the group management that discusses strategic sustainability issues.
The group’s companies and departments, in turn, have operational responsibility for their own sustainability work, where the respective company’s CEO or department heads are ultimately responsible.
Sustainability coordinators within each company and within Axfood’s larger departments such as purchasing, quality, HR, and IT drive and continuously follow up on group-wide sustainability goals through action plans. Willys and Snabbgross also have environmental ambassadors in the stores who support the sustainability work.
Collaboration for a sustainable food chain
We also collaborate with various organizations to reduce industry emissions, raise climate awareness, and for the political influence.
Axfood’s collaborations with industry, businesses and non-profit organizations
By collaborating with our suppliers and other stakeholders, we work towards a long-term sustainable food chain. Together, we can improve the working and living conditions for employees and growers in the supply chains.
All suppliers must sign Axfood’s code of conduct, which is the foundation of our social work.