Axfood’s Code of Conduct for suppliers
Axfood’s Code of Conduct lays out the requirements we set for suppliers and business partners. It is based on internationally recognized conventions for human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.
Read Axfood’s Code of Conduct (pdf)
All of Axfood’s business dealings and relationships should be characterized by good business practices and high ethics. The code of conduct guides the group’s actions and contains information about Axfood’s positions on:
- Legal requirements
- Conditions at the workplace, such as freedom to organize unions, child labour, safety and discrimination
- Environmental protection and animal welfare
- Use of resources and impacts on local communities
- Bribery and corruption
The Code of Conduct is reviewed annuallly and updated when necessary.
BSCI and Global Compact
As part of its membership in the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), where companies collaborate to improve working conditions in the global value chain, Axfood has worked with the code of conduct.
Since 2002, Axfood has signed the UN’s Global Compact corporate initiative, which includes ten principles concerning human rights, working conditions, the environment, and anti-corruption. The principles are based on the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO’s core conventions on human rights in the workplace, the Rio Declaration, and the UN’s Convention against Corruption.
Axfood’s ethical guidelines
The relationship with our suppliers should be characterized by good business practices and high business ethics. In recent years, Axfood’s purchasing work has been further systematized to be able to set more qualified requirements in the purchasing process and secure a range that meets customers’ expectations. Membership in BSCI, together with enhanced internal follow-up work, contributes to the development of social responsibility efforts.
To ensure consistent behavior from our own employees, we follow ethical guidelines that address bribery, corruption, and graft. Employees concerned certify in writing that they have taken note of the content.