Community Engagement
Axfood wants to be a positive force for change, leading the way for a sustainable food Sweden by influencing decision-makers, taking the lead with its own initiatives, and driving industry issues.
Axfood engages in dialogue with politicians and authorities to increase knowledge about the grocery and food industry and to drive the development of various sustainability issues. Among other things, we annually publish the report 'Food 2030', the group's proposal for a sustainable food strategy for Sweden, as part of this work.
We take it a step further in particularly important areas, where we can move the entire industry forward. With a strong owner and clear leadership with a focus on sustainability, we dare to stick our necks out. Axfood's structure with different concepts facilitates own initiatives that lead to significant changes even outside the own operations.
Strong voice in the societal debate
Over the years, we have gained support from political decision-makers regarding Swedish food production, reduced use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, and tax on solar power for own use. We were also instrumental in the grocery trade's decision to remove fossil-based plastic bags.
Axfood has also advocated for a stop to the inclusion of raw materials from oil palms in biofuels. In 'Food 2030', we also present proposals on, among other things, reduced or abolished VAT on sustainability-labeled foods, reduced levels of sugar and salt for improved public health, and support for the restoration and use of natural pastures for increased biodiversity.
Axfood takes the initiative for change
We have been the first to take many initiatives that others have followed. Some examples of this are:
- Origin labeling of meat
- Deposit on plastic bottles for juice and syrup
- Stop for red-listed fish and shellfish in our stores
Axfood collaborates for a sustainable future
Many issues require collaboration with others for us to reach sustainable solutions that contribute to more extensive changes over time. Axfood therefore works with various industry organizations and networks.
Axfood often acts together with other industry players in Svensk Dagligvaruhandel on issues related to the consumption or production of food. Producers and suppliers are other significant partners.
We work actively with, among others, Organic Sweden, which promotes the consumption and export of organic goods, and collaborate within Sweden Food Arena, for an innovative, sustainable, and competitive food sector.
Together with Stockholms Stadsmission, Axfood is a co-founder of Matmissionen, social grocery stores that give economically vulnerable people the opportunity to shop at reduced prices, while reducing food waste. It is an initiative that is being scaled up with Svensk Dagligvaruhandel among others becoming a co-owner.
As the first company, Axfood in 2023 initiated a nationwide collaboration with Ätbart, the Swedish food bank network. The collaboration involves local matching of stores and food banks across the country, as well as administrative support and advice to reduce food waste while more people in economic vulnerability gain access to food.
Regarding reduced climate impact, the business network Hagainitiativet, an organization that Axfood is an initiator of, is an important arena for driving change.
Collaborations also take place with customers. In addition to contributing to more sustainable consumption by choosing good and sustainable goods in the stores, for example, Willys and Hemköp's customers can donate their deposit money to Save the Children or SOS Children's Villages in the stores' deposit machines.